A gasp for air followed by the telltale cry, just moments after entering the world—a newborn baby will take their first breath. For preterm infants, the struggle to catch their breath with immature lungs is more than developing a new skill. It’s a battle.
The NICU at the Arusha Lutheran Medical Center (ALMC)—located in northern Tanzania—provides a full range of advanced newborn support and has a survival rate considerably higher than other hospitals across the country.
Dr. Stephen Swanson, the director of the NICU, attributes this success to many factors, including the ability to monitor patients with Nonin’s tabletop and fingertip pulse oximeters.
Want to know more? Read this case study to learn more about the ALMC, their impact, and how Nonin is supporting them.
Nonin is committed to improving lives through noninvasive patient monitoring devices, and it is awe-inspiring to see that mission come to life at the ALMC. Many thanks to Dr. Swanson and the team for sharing this video, showcasing their incredible work.
To learn more about Dr. Swanson and the Arusha Lutheran Medical Center, visit almc.or.tz.
Dr. Stephen Swanson is an MD, DTM&H, FAAP, American Board Certified in Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, Tropical Diseases, ALMC Consultant Pediatrician, and Medical Director, NICU.
Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre (ALMC) is one of Arusha’s newest zone referral hospitals. Located in the center of downtown Arusha, ALMC offers general and specialty care in many areas, including a NICU.