Jeffry Wosje, mayor of Plymouth, Minn., recently met with members of the leadership team at Nonin Medical to recognize the company for its long-standing tenure in the city. Joining him were Danette Parr, economic development manager, and Dave Callister, city manager. They talked with Phil Isaacson, executive chairman and chief technology officer; Dave Hemink, chief executive officer; Jim Russell, chief operating officer; and Andrina Weis, senior director of human resources.
Mayor Wosje thanked Nonin for its contributions to the local economy and civic life. The company provides careers for people in the community, and is active in local events. “We don’t take it for granted that companies are here,” the mayor said. “Companies are our customers; we like visiting to improve our relationships and find out how we can help.”
After the meeting, the visitors had a tour of the production facility led by Matt Magnuson, manufacturing and planning manager. Magnuson explained the products being made, the processes in use, and the skills of the manufacturing crew. Several of them started work after completing a training course in precision soldering, Magnuson said, and some have moved up to higher positions.
“We offer training for employees who want more skills and more earning power,” Magnuson said. “That also means they can change tasks to avoid repetition, and help out wherever they’re needed.”
With growing sales worldwide, Nonin is looking to hire more people in production. That means more opportunities for local residents, and more connections to the Plymouth community. “As a manufacturing company, we have a wide range of positions to fill,” said Weis. “Nonin is hiring for roles from warehouse operations to regulatory affairs to sales management to quality engineering.”
Mayor Wosje noted that Nonin takes a creative approach to workforce development, and that the company benefits from the diverse backgrounds of Plymouth residents while contributing to the city’s economy and culture. He also said that careful financial management makes the city an attractive place to do business.
“If we were a new company looking for a place to establish our headquarters,” Hemink said, “Plymouth would be at the top of our list, as the proximity to the ‘medical alley’ is vital to our strategic planning process and growth story.”