
7 Resolutions for a Healthy 2017

January 4, 2017

You can make 2017 your best year yet by making it your healthiest year yet! There’s no better place to start than with your New Year’s resolution. We’ve compiled seven resolutions to improve your health in 2017:

Quit Smoking

There is no such thing as safe smoking. According to a recent study, even as little as one cigarette a day can significantly increase the risk of an earlier death. Researchers found people who smoke an average of less than one cigarette daily over their lifetimes had a 64% higher risk of dying earlier. In addition, they were nine times likelier to die from lung cancer. It’s not easy to quit smoking, but it is worth every effort to snuff it out in 2017.

-Dr. Brian Tiep, Pulmonologist

Get Active

After my diagnosis with COPD in 2000, I went into a tailspin. I lost control and let my disease consume my life. I asked my doctor what I could do to gain back control. His answer was simple; lose weight. It wouldn’t solve my problems, but it would help alleviate them. I started a strict diet and exercise plan and lost more than 100 pounds in 18 months. To this day, I continue to exercise daily to stay healthy. I always take my Nonin fingertip pulse oximeter with me to the gym so I can measure my O2 levels and keep them at a healthy level.

-Jean Rommes, COPD Patient Advocate

Understand Your Condition

There’s a large gap between the doctor’s office or hospital and a patient’s home. Patients are bombarded with information as they are discharged, and studies have shown they don’t remember a large amount of it. If you have a chronic condition, such as COPD, make sure you understand your condition and the steps you need to take to participate in your own care.

-Dr. Brian Carlin, Pulmonologist

Begin Daily Rituals

Whether you’re managing a chronic condition or your goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, implementing daily rituals is an important first step. Daily rituals are a checklist of responsibilities and daily activities, covering anything from exercise to diet to measuring and recording your medical information. They can be tailored to you depending on your medical needs.

-Dr. Brian Tiep, Pulmonologist

Get Checked Out

If you think you have any of the COPD warning signs, (including shortness of breath, frequent coughing, wheezing, and tightness in the chest), be sure to ask your doctor. Don’t ignore it like I did! I put off getting checked out because I didn’t want to deal with reality. The truth is, if you are diagnosed early, lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Make 2017 the year you get checked out and start getting regular checkups.

-Jean Rommes, COPD Patient Advocate

Get the Right Equipment

One of the keys to managing your health is having the proper equipment. There’s more to consider than the upfront cost. You can buy less expensive devices, but you’ll end up with inaccurate results from devices so fragile they need to be replaced time and time again. For patients who need to monitor the amount of oxygen in their blood, there are several different options on the market. An independent study (done at Clinimark Laboratories in 2016) proved devices made by Nonin medical are the most reliable.

-Jean Rommes, COPD Patient Advocate

Educate & Empower Yourself

There are endless resources to help you on your journey to a healthier 2017. If you don’t know where to start, check out websites for The COPD Foundation or The American Heart Association. Education is the key to empowerment. Bottom line – your health is in your hands, and there’s no time like the present to improve it.

-Dr. Brian Carlin, Pulmonologist